Resources for Developing Mindfulness and Self-Regulating Difficult Emotions
Slow Breath Practice©
A Core Component to Our Work with Students

We all have a built-in guidance system that helps us navigate through the choppy waters and high winds that life often serves up. Most of the time we respond to the obstacles that invade our day with habitual thinking or knee jerk reactions, and ignore our inner wisdom.
What if we could easily develop the habit of paying attention to the wise insights that lie beneath our constant thoughts? What if we developed a pattern of tuning in for guidance instead of swatting the problems away?
Slow Breath Practice brings us into our bodies and specifically in touch with our heart centered wisdom.
More Activities & Exercises
This exercise is a heart soother with its bilateral healing touch. It helps you transport yourself to a calm and healing space when you are looking to comfort difficult emotions and overwhelm
Anyone up for moving mountains? And by that I mean, sitting still and listening to whatever arises. Let's do this together in this short mindfulness video.
Tuning in to what’s going on within and sharing how you feel connects you to yourselves and to others. No matter how you are feeling, being aware is always a great first step to managing emotions.
In this video, I share a couple of techniques I use with my students to help them regulate their emotions and tap into their inner wisdom. This is perfect to use when they feel overwhelmed or uncertain.
What do you do when your room of students is high energy and chaotic? “Breathing Fingers” will not only will it bring your students to the present moment, but it will also teach them how to tame their thoughts and regulate their emotions.
Consciously focusing on what we are thankful for cultivates a positive energy that can permeate our psyche and color our perceptions going forward.
This is a very requested mindfulness meditation with our kiddos. They LOVE imagining their happy place, where they feel comfort, safety, and peace.
Teach your students how they can learn to process feelings of failure or disappointment order to get back up again. I have a helpful technique for you to share with your students that will help them deal with difficult feelings.
It’s the soothing balm that gives our flight or fight nervous system functions a well needed vacation. When this happens, our thoughts quiet enough to allow deeper contemplations and inspirations to surface and take root.
By aligning with your body’s stability, you energetically offer the other person a way to regain their homeostasis. When you STOP and DROP into your body, your rational, calm self becomes the non-reactionary, guiding force in the situation.